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Casual sex doesn't exist

In a study that asked 515 people why they entered into sex with someone, 50% of women and 52% of men said that they hoped to trigger a longer relationship.

Any kind of sexual stimulation triggers the dopamine system in the brain and can push you over that threshold into falling in love with that person, and in fact with orgasm there's a real flood of oxytocin and vasopressin and other chemicals in the brain associated with the feeling of deep attachment so casual sex is really never casual - unless you're so drunk that you can't remember it!"


The Usual Thorny Subject . . . Sex

Iain and Susan are struggling to work out why their sex life has ground to a halt. A short promotional film for the BBC animated documentary: Wonderland: The Trouble With Love and Sex.

How To Break Up ~ Tales of Mere Existence

Levni Yilmazis is an independent film-maker, artist and publisher. In this short animation he provides a wry how-to guide for breaking up . . . in 64 easy steps!

Intimate like porcupines

Elizabeth Gilbert-author of Eat, Pray, Love-talks about Schopenhauer's theory about intimacy and relationships and why people are like porcupines. Relationship counselling provides a safe space in which to work through difficulties together.

Stuck in a Doorway ~ an OCD story

A short film by TV production student, Andrew Moore, documenting the personal stories of two OCD sufferers, Michelle and Mary-Jo.